As we work with your business and IT leaders, one of the first steps SHI takes to help you eliminate excess cloud spending and unchecked sprawl is to formally establish what is or is not acceptable within your organization’s cloud environment. These rules can include waste characteristics that trigger alarms for remediation and rightsizing, as well as timelines for deleting unused assets.
Reservation management
Your organization is likely paying for reservations you’re not even using. We bring transparency to reservations and support exchanges or returns to recoup costs.
Azure Hybrid User Benefit licensing
Our cloud experts ensure usage rights, such as Azure Hybrid User Benefit (AHUB) licensing arrangements, are fully exploited. Doing so allows eligible organizations to bring their existing on-premises Windows and SQL server licenses to Azure, along with active software assurance or subscriptions. SHI helps determine the best way to utilize licenses and allowances to avoid overspending. Our approach is nuanced and tailored, since not all AHUB rules apply to all customers.