After the initial shockwave of the COVID-19 pandemic, your organization likely needed to rapidly pivot from your traditional service delivery strategy to one that could accommodate a sudden flux of remote workers, such as a public cloud.
As your organization adapted and global conditions changed, you also likely came to the same conclusion as SHI’s infrastructure experts: Being 100% on-premises is obviously a strategy of the past. Being 100% in the public cloud isn’t the answer either, as organizations like yours still benefit from internally managing a private cloud. Much like your users working both remotely and on-site, the answer to your infrastructure is hybrid.
But the long-term benefits of hybrid infrastructure diminish if it isn’t resilient. The pandemic was a blaring indicator of the fact that the world can change at a moment’s notice. To strengthen your business continuity, adapt to industry changes, and maintain security processes, you need to build resiliency into the core of your hybrid infrastructure solutions.